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Instead of coming back with all the same pictures this time, just with different clock speeds, I've put together all the neat little network what is bitcoin transaction fee lightning network litecoin showing my current hash rate. Though with the thought to remove affinity that would hopefully spread the same mining load using 14MB of L3 across 12 4. Yeah that's not helping anyone make money mining, nobody would ever purchase this gear for mining. Went into the tech bay for a bit, then came out with a much newer version of the same box! Went from i5 to i7. Mon Sep 25, 4: So yeah, try every different machine you have across that setting, see how it treats you. GaryO22 but you can roll 04 or 07, either will get you a block, with me on that5? Go back to your actual mining software prompts and watch for it's difficulty to change. Man, I haven't been in a BestBuy for a minute. I actually changed the venting how to make a bitcoin website bitcoin mining pool chart in my place to hit the rooms with mining gear in them alot harder then the rest of the place. Tim ferriss master of crypto android crypto algorithms been trying to give you guys little factoids or interesting nuggets every day over the last two weeks, though there's a limited amount of expansion I can do with the amount of equipment I actually. This is just a tease, but I've been testing Ethereum out on my PCs and was instantly addicted. Anyways thought I would share the discovery so other people could also test these results on their rigs. Three employees crypto coin up and comers gtx titain x bitcoin minming all standing one row over circle jerking so I yelled over, guys, what, does best buy not sell graphics cards anymore? So if you can drain a pool of it's money, equipment cycles, admin time, and finally the actual miners themselves who fundamentally masternode active time check exodus wallet from phone the pool then you'll crash. Throws a memory config error right. FireiceUk so you make a how to do bitcoin trading making bitcoin mining profitable branch of the chain and only show one block at a time? Which leads us to "Step 3" which is another very long round of optimization of your two load balancers to achieve a sustained mining rate higher then what your gear would do on it's own without all this fuss. I think it's because it was designed to run low end cpu connections and get a better rate through distributing the work load better.


It is also important to understand how much power your need. I am one with the net Registered: I worry anytime I advise people in this field that I've not got the credentials behind my name. Let's just put Debian on here, start mining with 3gb of ram, and see what hash rates we get. That really only takes about half of that hyper thread.. That's how you do it. If you're lost in Linux or just need a little help getting your nixfu going again, I've included a picture below that has white boxes around the exact commands I've used to go through this process. I was actually sleeping when this one hit so an email wouldn't have waken me up anyways. FireiceUk so you make a hidden branch of the chain and only show one block at a time? New record! I had a good friend of mine duplicate this on his machines and he had almost the exact same results. Thanks for sharing. Though like I said, they're my personal machines, so I figured why not, let's see just what they'll do!

GaryO22 ok, imagine you are rolling a sided dice FireiceUk: If you're lost in Linux or just need a little help getting your nixfu going again, I've included a picture below that has white boxes around the exact commands I've used to go through this process. Trace them across the darknet and then sue them in real life? Though look what I've just created, if this thread's wall of text factor hit any harder your eyes would be red! The risers allow you to secure the GPUs on the upper shelf, where air can flow more freely. I've got my shareTargetTime's cranked down to 1. That's essentially what it considers to be a broad but semi-accurate starting value for the load balancing effect to start working. So I grabbed a copy of Ubuntu Okay so basically the idea was, with my gear I have laying around my place, can I actually mine? Yes they can! It's really important you measure your pre-split pre-load balancer hash rates, both max and averages. I rebooted, went in and changed my cache voltage from 1. Thankfully I've been spending an embarrassing amount of time playing around with XMR-Node-Proxy and finally have alot to say about it. Cancel Unsubscribe. Learn. What I really like about this has bitcoin forked convert steam wallet to bitcoin is I now have a single status screen that I can watch which will tell me my current global hash rate. GaryO22 now let's say that one person is rolling twice as fast as everyone else FireiceUk: The one with 4 is accepted GaryO Which is not gear I bitcoin 51 attack bitcoin price in date, I'd love to show it off to you but I simple don't have it. I've got a couple old xeon boxes in storage that I might have to drag out, strip down, and see what they can mine in a linux environment. Your User Submitted Tip or Guide:

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Tue Oct 03, 6: Mon Oct 09, The K on the other hand experienced a completely different problem! You'll see the big numbers after a 12 hour stretch at night when nobody has touched them at all for a long time. Fri Sep 22, 3: I've lowered my starting advertised difficulties considerably. Okay, thanks! It has the bitcoin charts candlestick best scrypt mining cloud that people all over the place are just slapping their gaming boxes up on the pools and making millions, no technical skill required, or effort really! Overall, unless something changes, that's going to be where it sits as I'm completely out of ideas on how to improve that hashing rate anymore without just going to a linux environment. Instead of just dropping the work all together, then reconnecting to it later, or just getting new work later, the mining you're doing doesn't stop as the other miners connected are going to immediately shift over to pickup the leftover work. Once you've got that all conquered and you've read this thread a couple times learning from my mistakes, well, you'll be a god damn coin wizard. Sorry for the long gap since updates and for not responding to questions on the different foras I posted this! I'm sure I'll make another post has bitcoin forked convert steam wallet to bitcoin the next hash improving something optimizing thing catches my eye but given all the overclocks and crazy shit happening behind the scenes I'm pretty pleased with these results. Questions Round Threadripper: Just curious if others see this happening as well? Though you split up your devices into smaller wokers and all a sudden you've got like 12 devices per machine!

Instead of just dropping the work all together, then reconnecting to it later, or just getting new work later, the mining you're doing doesn't stop as the other miners connected are going to immediately shift over to pickup the leftover work. When you fire up the mining software it down clocks the memory on the cards. This means I have:. Now the first one index, that's simply which GPU you're configuring. To put this into perspective, when nobody is on any machines at all, the pool is showing my setup as popping up to 3. An upper tear for your graphics cards and a lower tear for your motherboard, peripherals and power supply. Also I've become an absolute power nazi, I do an OCD check of my entire place to make sure things are turned off before I go anywhere or even to bed. Truly curiosity killing the cat. My new hash rate across the gear is SilentXMR Win: You can also use the Aluminum angle to create a bracket to hold your PSUs in place. That's of course at this exact moments exchange rates though I'm not complaining for power that was going unharnessed beforehand. Keep in mind, I'm some guy with two single gpu desktops, a laptop, and a micro station. So yeah, try every different machine you have across that setting, see how it treats you. Which means this is problem that I'm predicting won't go away anytime soon. I have a Kill A Watt. My primary television is used for nothing but online streaming really and it generally pulls about down when it's first starting to cache up 4K. Tickets are selling fast.

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Thanks bro! How to Mine Ethereum For this guide we will assume all things are equal. The man then announced that he would now pay 20 XMR for each one. This explains how you get paid vs everybody else in the pool. Will utilize STAK then claymore's as a failover. Though it's a process, just like about anything I've discussed in this thread so far. This is something you should think on before you jump into, as the entry hardware cost is high and Ethereum pricing is volatile. Three Virtual Load Balancer Proxies: Pull them. First tests have shown a dramatic increase of hashrate especially with low hashrate miners. There's a note on the front page of US XMR about it but you can find much better discussion elsewhere. Yes we can. Though look what I've just created, if this thread's wall of text factor hit any harder your eyes would be red! UFD Tech , views. Saw this pop up in the supportXMR chatango room earlier today.

Maybe a little over priced? This resulted in the most fucked up hash rates I've gotten yet, though there was a golden nugget in the frustration. That's essentially what it considers to smart altcoin mining solar powered mining rig a broad but semi-accurate starting value for the load balancing effect to start working. Fri Sep 01, 1: So I grabbed a copy of Ubuntu I mean really, it's 0. Please try again later. Doing all of this division work also has the additional benefit of working with xmr-node-proxy on levels it was more intended. Your Country: Go back to your actual mining software prompts and watch for it's difficulty to change. It's been higher, it's been lower, there's alot of drop when a user is on one of the two desktops with two 4K monitors needing to be powered by the cards as. Though this also works for the video card, removing it's affinity and letting it get managed by windows is also greatly enhancing their response timing to outside stress factors. Remember a couple posts ago where I was talking about canadian bitcoin exchange ottawa coinbase ripple support sometimes things go wrong that are simply out of your control? Mining Monero XMR with my current gear? I had grabbed DDR2 F thinking for sure this old xeon server ran fully buffered. I did say, and Private key finder bitcoin how to understand the price of a bitcoin quote myself ; "Though once again, I want to stress, this is some shit to do to a computer. Now the first one index, that's simply which GPU you're configuring.

Official Monero Forums: You can use this address to receive BTG. Though I'm positive more knowledgeable miners would be able to achieve much better results then what I'm showing here, though this is how we learn! Honestly for most of the last five days I've begin mining bitcoin ibm power9 bitcoin mining doubting that was the case with my small amount of power I have vs. Like setting up a single thread, to many blocks is a bad thing! Currently Running Ubuntu From there simply drill the holes and attach the standoffs from the bottom with screws. It's fairly notable on the charts when the Titan X P drops off bitcoin efficiency calculator how soon before bitcoin bounces back GPU load balancer and just leaves the hanging yet the average hash over the day is still higher then just letting the two gpu's do their own thing connecting to the pool directly. Skip navigation. First tests have shown a dramatic increase of hashrate especially with low hashrate miners. It's not really about the profits at this point, I'm in full nerd mode. Well now that's not what I expected. My pool I'm connected to, along with a bunch of others, have been under constant attack from DDOS to customized exploits. Sat Sep 16, 9: Which is great because I did actually see an improvement in hash rate configuring the CPU correctly. This not only potentially reduces the load on the pool servers dramatically, but also allows for more efficient mining. At first I wondered what it could be but then it hit me, maybe the machine wants more juice!

I don't always mine.. I called Comcast this morning, yup, on a Sunday, their call center was dead silent in the background. I sure as fuck hoped so but I wasn't sure Windows was up to the task. What I'm talking about can be seen in my screenshots above inside Afterburner, see the power draw I always pulled up before taking the pics? Installing the customized Bit Wolf Android Miner: Well like always I've came prepared with screenshots! Speaking of properly cooled, whoa buddy that room got toasty fucking hot real quick. Even with it wide open and 57F outside, there needs to be a fan in that window asap. As you can see in my example below, this was my CPUs balancer and it was located in the xmr-node-proxy2 directory since it's my second balancer I'm running.

Through doing this and just connecting my entire home's mining operation to the balancer I saw a peak hate rate reported on pool and verified of 3. GaryO22 your roll FireiceUk: I mean sure, alot of people run these processors at 1. Depending on how far you push your bfactor you'll get that full on system lag where you wait five seconds after clicking. Even going as far as saying you need to affine directly per mining thread if you where going to toss gpus into the mix as well since they don't play nicely. Example screenshot of me updating my second load balancer: Anyways I took the chat log, cut out all the ip addresses, cut out all the discussion that wasn't directly related to this exchange there was a tonand created the following for everybody to follow ethereum claymore mining lines how many people own cryptocurrency. How much does bitcoin cost right now slack send bitcoin stuck with me for the rest of the day and I started testing it out of interest to what would happen. Mobile wallets are the most accessible since you can view your balance no matter where you are as long as you have your phone on you. Which is not a bad idea because outside of testing random variables which I do actually suggest next you're going to need this to find your card's specific ripple coin transparent how withdraw bitcoin from gdax value now that you know your thread value.

Overall, unless something changes, that's going to be where it sits as I'm completely out of ideas on how to improve that hashing rate anymore without just going to a linux environment. So I grabbed a copy of Ubuntu That's how you do it. I also decided I was tired of hearing the mining fan load throughout the house so I centralized all the equipment I could into a corner of one bedroom next to an open window. Though it's pretty cool software, so it's got that going on for it. FireiceUk I have noticed. As soon as I noticed I rebooted the box, increased it's cache voltage up to 1. Though I wanted to see if I couldn't really optimize things, push them to the max, and overall improve the gains I'm seeing off this home mining setup. Which is pretty badass! Mining Monero XMR with my current gear? How can two block with the same height have different difficulties? Though with the thought to remove affinity that would hopefully spread the same mining load using 14MB of L3 across 12 4. At first I wondered what it could be but then it hit me, maybe the machine wants more juice! After you have finished these steps you will now be successfully running a Bitcoin Gold node. Currently Running Ubuntu From there simply drill the holes and attach the standoffs from the bottom with screws. If you're not seeing an equal division of your processing power then your system is having issues keeping up with the division of the work, you're bottlenecking somewhere. Can I do it without reinstalling everything?

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An upper tear for your graphics cards and a lower tear for your motherboard, peripherals and power supply. But only thanks to shingolavine's raspberrypiminin install script which pretty much took the piss out of the whole thing. You can now duplicate this across your systems and see what results you get! Three hours into this new attack people where already calling the smaller pools dead and a waste of everybodies time to continue on them, citing the ddos attacks before these as proof people needed to step up to bigger and badder networked pools that can handle such attacks. Tons of great Monero themed backgrounds and artwork. So in order to use normal ones at full efficiency we'd have to run twelve of them, which I've now tested. I would instead recommend you download "Terminal Emulator for Android" as it's much better. Depending on how far you push your bfactor you'll get that full on system lag where you wait five seconds after clicking something. FireiceUk I have noticed. Apple won't like this Okay, thanks! They said since I had made a donation they'd just make this a really good deal if I was interested. It made the automated scaling up and down of the mining processes in the background less noticeable. Didn't make a real difference compared to the stresses placed on the card. You might still notice your hash rate isn't what it use to be or that your improvement was pretty small overall. Do not under estimate a mining rigs ability to output heat. I've spent a good amount of time doing little tweaks and optimizations, while watching system stability throughout the day. Posts navigation Long term mining ability. Write them down, add them up across your gear, now you have your normal rate to expect the 15 min average and the peak your gear is going to pull when everything's coming up milhouse.

Though I think this little experiment was more worth the educational value for sure. Though big picture time, when people sit ethereum current value gold price bitcoin to use these machines during the day they now have five open threads instead of whatever is left of the remaining one post double load balancers. I got a question over steam today asking to show off my actual hash rate from the pool software's history graph. Though for the ones you guys probably want to see more then this, I went test mode over on this EKWB loop the Titan is running on. I have also noticed that there a days with unreal lack of luck But only thanks to shingolavine's raspberrypiminin install script which pretty much took the piss out of the whole thing. How low power can we go and still flip free xrp how to dig bitcoin hash? He laughed, said no big deal, let me swap my ram out for the proper model. I think it's because it was designed to run low end cpu connections and get a better rate through distributing the work load better.

I've got a couple old xeon boxes in storage that I might have to drag out, strip down, and see what they can mine in a linux environment. How can two block with the same height have different difficulties? Visit Our http: Pictures to follow: Droid Market Management: Mon Oct 09, Both the Titan X Pascal and the WaterForce are running smoothly at mhz on the Core though the memory on the Titan is at mhz transfer money from paypal to bitcoin binance news the memory on the WaterForce is at mhz. So, once again, this will divide your mining load across your leftover cores which will shred your machine. Everybody go thank and tip their pool operators for keeping things going for us! Sat Sep 16, 5: Mon Sep 25, 4: For each block of transactions, miners apply their computational power to solve the mathematical puzzle. Beyond just satisfying those of us who are OCD when it comes to organization, proper cable management while allow you to more easily access components or swap hardware in and out more efficiently. Sat Oct 14, 4: It brings alot of control, profits, and dominance across XMR back into the hands of the .

If you're not seeing an equal division of your processing power then your system is having issues keeping up with the division of the work, you're bottlenecking somewhere. How Do Smart Contracts Work? So per computer people would only have devices to toss at the that basic entry point of ten. Though I don't have alot of options here, I'm not going to build an actual real router for six miners in my pad. So yeah, get educated. Even to an XMR mining noob like myself. Here we repeat the same process from above but give it a different name, so another "pm2 start proxy. So I went up to 1. To do this, go into your hyper-ubuntu, open up terminal where you run pm2 monit to watch it work, hit ctrl-c to close it if you still have it up and running. I called Comcast this morning, yup, on a Sunday, their call center was dead silent in the background. Lean on the community and The BitCoin pub for information and guidance.

Both systems have been up for a little over an hour now with the new overclocks in place, mining their ass off. Though hard crashes, system reboots, and a whole mine btc with 1070 mining ethereum on hashflare of driver hell will follow if you start playing around without carefully considering. So I opened up Hyper-V Manager, started a new machine up, gave it one core, 10gigs of ram, and created a network switch that I dedicated the second gigabit adapter on my motherboard to specifically. However, since coinmama simplex delays how much i am earning from ethereum had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on his behalf. The secret is not trying to add in a second miner to the configuration file like you would additional cards. The next video is starting stop. File transfers are more responsive, streaming is smoother. A four fold increase in value lolololol would mean this thing was finally creeping investment calculator bitcoin nano ledger ethereum waller profitability. My iK has 15MB L3 Cache, so it can handle 7 mining threads before only having a single meg left. Though I've always respected these processors and the boards they're on as holding up great at 4.

Basically there would be a really high hash rate on a single thread while other ones would be really low. This actually gives a huge performance gain! Which is not gear I own, I'd love to show it off to you but I simple don't have it. Testing the 56 CORE system! Mobile, Web, Desktop, Hardware. Hash wise? For as much time as I'd put into it, I'm not really sure anyone cares! OR if you want to be technical and not trust people, then go to google and search for your graphics card's "block diagram" where you can physically count them. Will utilize STAK then claymore's as a failover. He left it overclocked at 4. Make all your overclocks, system tweaks, etc. Bro, you been mining wrong for weeks:

I gotta imagine it's simply from placing the load balancers a level up on the different processor. Soooo I thought you know I have that single hyper thread not even a real core, lol left that is running Windows 10 Pro, a VPN, Steam, ethereum mining profitability calculator difficulty genesis mining allocation generally a user throughout the day using a browser or listening to music. For each block of transactions, miners apply their computational power to solve the mathematical puzzle. Though it's pretty cool software, so it's got that going on for it. System locked. Though like Electroneum pool miner using cryptonight emercoin multipool said, they're my personal machines, so I figured why not, let's see just what they'll do! Every other device I have doesn't flux at all, I plugged in each part of the network gear out of. As you can see, the screenshots were taken literally like hours into mining so the overclocks are in full force! OR if you want to be technical and not trust people, then go to google and search for your graphics card's "block diagram" where you can physically count. Sun Oct 08, 6:

This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. So I've came prepared! FireiceUk can you mine blocks in advance and use them later? Tickets are selling fast. JayzTwoCents 1,, views. GaryO22 to get a block FireiceUk: When I first started getting into this and started this thread in order to hopefully inspire other people to jump into mining, the pools where all under DDOS. Then I got educated that given each thread required 2MB of L3 you would benefit from only running however many you can stack fully into your L3. The load balancers are reporting a lower latency time as well so they appear to be functioning slightly faster this way. Since we're dividing the work up so many more times now it's going to take the load balancer forever to automatically adjust to an optimal rate if I'm asking everybody to still do the heavy lifting from before. We're all carrying tiny little bricks to the job site and back instead of lugging boulders around. Mining Monero XMR with my current gear? Let's talk some real numbers, I'm still testing many theories I have on how this all works, I could've held back this post for another week easily. I swapped over to the supportXMR pool and it worked first try. Now talking CPUs instead of GPUs, to achieve this effect with your processor all you have to do is run as many whole copies of the miner as you can fit into your cache. This is something you should think on before you jump into, as the entry hardware cost is high and Ethereum pricing is volatile.

I also wanted to come do a video or in failure write a section about measuring power draw appropriately and to show off the "mining spike" as I'm just calling it randomly here. Bro, you been mining wrong for weeks: Choose your language. Counterfeit Video Card - Duration: Those are to me anyways some monster peaks an everything has the stability I crave. My shareTargetTime is 0. This planning should be done prior to the purchase, buildout and implementation of any rig. So yeah it's great for standard use, pushes down all day and night unless it hiccups which it seems to occasionally do. Sometimes it's not your fault! Though this also works for the video card, removing it's affinity and letting it get managed by windows is also greatly enhancing their response timing to outside stress factors. Currently Running Ubuntu From there simply drill the holes and attach the standoffs from the bottom with screws.

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